android 8 wifi wifi 扫描过程
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查看一下android wifi扫描的过程。

packages\apps\Settings\src\com\android\settings\wifi\WifiSettings.java   public void onStart() {        super.onStart();        // On/off switch is hidden for Setup Wizard (returns null)        mWifiEnabler = createWifiEnabler();        mWifiTracker.startTracking();        if (mIsRestricted) {            restrictUi();            return;        }        onWifiStateChanged(mWifiManager.getWifiState());    }        frameworks\base\packages\SettingsLib\src\com\android\settingslib\wifi\WifiTracker.java        public void startTracking() {        synchronized (mLock) {            registerScoreCache();            // 是否显示wifi评分的UI            mNetworkScoringUiEnabled =                    Settings.Global.getInt(                            mContext.getContentResolver(),                            Settings.Global.NETWORK_SCORING_UI_ENABLED, 0) == 1;            // 是否显示wifi速度            mMaxSpeedLabelScoreCacheAge =                    Settings.Global.getLong(                            mContext.getContentResolver(),                            Settings.Global.SPEED_LABEL_CACHE_EVICTION_AGE_MILLIS,                            DEFAULT_MAX_CACHED_SCORE_AGE_MILLIS);            resumeScanning();            if (!mRegistered) {                mContext.registerReceiver(mReceiver, mFilter);                // NetworkCallback objects cannot be reused. http://b/20701525 .                mNetworkCallback = new WifiTrackerNetworkCallback();                mConnectivityManager.registerNetworkCallback(mNetworkRequest, mNetworkCallback);                mRegistered = true;            }        }    }    扫描服务        public void resumeScanning() {        if (mScanner == null) {            mScanner = new Scanner();        }        mWorkHandler.sendEmptyMessage(WorkHandler.MSG_RESUME);        if (mWifiManager.isWifiEnabled()) {            mScanner.resume();      // 发送扫描消息        }    }        //         class Scanner extends Handler {        static final int MSG_SCAN = 0;        private int mRetry = 0;        void resume() {            if (!hasMessages(MSG_SCAN)) {                sendEmptyMessage(MSG_SCAN);            }        }        void forceScan() {            removeMessages(MSG_SCAN);            sendEmptyMessage(MSG_SCAN);        }        void pause() {            mRetry = 0;            removeMessages(MSG_SCAN);        }        @VisibleForTesting        boolean isScanning() {            return hasMessages(MSG_SCAN);        }        @Override        public void handleMessage(Message message) {            if (message.what != MSG_SCAN) return;            if (mWifiManager.startScan()) {             // 启动扫描                mRetry = 0;            } else if (++mRetry >= 3) {                mRetry = 0;                if (mContext != null) {                    Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.wifi_fail_to_scan, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();                }                return;            }            // 扫描界面扫描间隔。            sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_SCAN, WIFI_RESCAN_INTERVAL_MS);        }    }            frameworks\base\wifi\java\android\net\wifi\WifiManager.java        /**     * Request a scan for access points. Returns immediately. The availability     * of the results is made known later by means of an asynchronous event sent     * on completion of the scan.     * @return {@code true} if the operation succeeded, i.e., the scan was initiated     */    public boolean startScan() {        return startScan(null);    }    /** @hide */    @SystemApi    @RequiresPermission(android.Manifest.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS)    public boolean startScan(WorkSource workSource) {        try {            String packageName = mContext.getOpPackageName();            mService.startScan(null, workSource, packageName);            return true;        } catch (RemoteException e) {            throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();        }    }        frameworks\opt\net\wifi\service\java\com\android\server\wifi\WifiServiceImpl.java        /**     * see {@link android.net.wifi.WifiManager#startScan}     * and {@link android.net.wifi.WifiManager#startCustomizedScan}     *     * @param settings If null, use default parameter, i.e. full scan.     * @param workSource If null, all blame is given to the calling uid.     * @param packageName Package name of the app that requests wifi scan.     */    @Override    public void startScan(ScanSettings settings, WorkSource workSource, String packageName) {        enforceChangePermission();        mLog.info("startScan uid=%").c(Binder.getCallingUid()).flush();        // Check and throttle background apps for wifi scan.        if (isRequestFromBackground(packageName)) {            long lastScanMs = mLastScanTimestamps.getOrDefault(packageName, 0L);            long elapsedRealtime = mClock.getElapsedSinceBootMillis();            if (lastScanMs != 0 && (elapsedRealtime - lastScanMs) < mBackgroundThrottleInterval) {                sendFailedScanBroadcast();                return;            }            // Proceed with the scan request and record the time.            mLastScanTimestamps.put(packageName, elapsedRealtime);        }        synchronized (this) {            if (mWifiScanner == null) {                mWifiScanner = mWifiInjector.getWifiScanner();            }            if (mInIdleMode) {                // Need to send an immediate scan result broadcast in case the                // caller is waiting for a result ..                // TODO: investigate if the logic to cancel scans when idle can move to                // WifiScanningServiceImpl.  This will 1 - clean up WifiServiceImpl and 2 -                // avoid plumbing an awkward path to report a cancelled/failed scan.  This will                // be sent directly until b/31398592 is fixed.                sendFailedScanBroadcast();                mScanPending = true;                return;            }        }        if (settings != null) {            settings = new ScanSettings(settings);            if (!settings.isValid()) {                Slog.e(TAG, "invalid scan setting");                return;            }        }        if (workSource != null) {            enforceWorkSourcePermission();            // WifiManager currently doesn't use names, so need to clear names out of the            // supplied WorkSource to allow future WorkSource combining.            workSource.clearNames();        }        if (workSource == null && Binder.getCallingUid() >= 0) {            workSource = new WorkSource(Binder.getCallingUid());        }        mWifiStateMachine.startScan(Binder.getCallingUid(), scanRequestCounter++,                settings, workSource);    }                class SupplicantStartedState extends State {                                case CMD_START_SCAN:                    // TODO: remove scan request path (b/31445200)                    handleScanRequest(message);                    break;                                                               private void handleScanRequest(Message message) {        ScanSettings settings = null;        WorkSource workSource = null;        // unbundle parameters        Bundle bundle = (Bundle) message.obj;        if (bundle != null) {            settings = bundle.getParcelable(CUSTOMIZED_SCAN_SETTING);            workSource = bundle.getParcelable(CUSTOMIZED_SCAN_WORKSOURCE);        }        Set
freqs = null; if (settings != null && settings.channelSet != null) { freqs = new HashSet<>(); for (WifiChannel channel : settings.channelSet) { freqs.add(channel.freqMHz); } } // Retrieve the list of hidden network SSIDs to scan for. List
hiddenNetworks = mWifiConfigManager.retrieveHiddenNetworkList(); // call wifi native to start the scan if (startScanNative(freqs, hiddenNetworks, workSource)) { // a full scan covers everything, clearing scan request buffer if (freqs == null) mBufferedScanMsg.clear(); messageHandlingStatus = MESSAGE_HANDLING_STATUS_OK; return; } // if reach here, scan request is rejected if (!mIsScanOngoing) { // if rejection is NOT due to ongoing scan (e.g. bad scan parameters), // discard this request and pop up the next one if (mBufferedScanMsg.size() > 0) { sendMessage(mBufferedScanMsg.remove()); } messageHandlingStatus = MESSAGE_HANDLING_STATUS_DISCARD; } else if (!mIsFullScanOngoing) { // if rejection is due to an ongoing scan, and the ongoing one is NOT a full scan, // buffer the scan request to make sure specified channels will be scanned eventually if (freqs == null) mBufferedScanMsg.clear(); if (mBufferedScanMsg.size() < SCAN_REQUEST_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE) { Message msg = obtainMessage(CMD_START_SCAN, message.arg1, message.arg2, bundle); mBufferedScanMsg.add(msg); } else { // if too many requests in buffer, combine them into a single full scan bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putParcelable(CUSTOMIZED_SCAN_SETTING, null); bundle.putParcelable(CUSTOMIZED_SCAN_WORKSOURCE, workSource); Message msg = obtainMessage(CMD_START_SCAN, message.arg1, message.arg2, bundle); mBufferedScanMsg.clear(); mBufferedScanMsg.add(msg); } messageHandlingStatus = MESSAGE_HANDLING_STATUS_LOOPED; } else { // mIsScanOngoing and mIsFullScanOngoing messageHandlingStatus = MESSAGE_HANDLING_STATUS_FAIL; } } private boolean startScanNative(final Set
freqs, List
hiddenNetworkList, WorkSource workSource) { WifiScanner.ScanSettings settings = new WifiScanner.ScanSettings(); if (freqs == null) { settings.band = WifiScanner.WIFI_BAND_BOTH_WITH_DFS; } else { settings.band = WifiScanner.WIFI_BAND_UNSPECIFIED; int index = 0; settings.channels = new WifiScanner.ChannelSpec[freqs.size()]; for (Integer freq : freqs) { settings.channels[index++] = new WifiScanner.ChannelSpec(freq); } } settings.reportEvents = WifiScanner.REPORT_EVENT_AFTER_EACH_SCAN | WifiScanner.REPORT_EVENT_FULL_SCAN_RESULT; settings.hiddenNetworks = hiddenNetworkList.toArray( new WifiScanner.ScanSettings.HiddenNetwork[hiddenNetworkList.size()]); WifiScanner.ScanListener nativeScanListener = new WifiScanner.ScanListener() { // ignore all events since WifiStateMachine is registered for the supplicant events @Override public void onSuccess() { } @Override public void onFailure(int reason, String description) { mIsScanOngoing = false; mIsFullScanOngoing = false; } @Override public void onResults(WifiScanner.ScanData[] results) { } @Override public void onFullResult(ScanResult fullScanResult) { } @Override public void onPeriodChanged(int periodInMs) { } }; mWifiScanner.startScan(settings, nativeScanListener, workSource); mIsScanOngoing = true; mIsFullScanOngoing = (freqs == null); lastScanFreqs = freqs; return true; } frameworks\opt\net\wifi\service\java\com\android\server\wifi\scanner\WifiScanningServiceImpl.java class DriverStartedState extends State { @Override public void exit() { // clear scan results when scan mode is not active mCachedScanResults.clear(); mWifiMetrics.incrementScanReturnEntry( WifiMetricsProto.WifiLog.SCAN_FAILURE_INTERRUPTED, mPendingScans.size()); sendOpFailedToAllAndClear(mPendingScans, WifiScanner.REASON_UNSPECIFIED, "Scan was interrupted"); } @Override public boolean processMessage(Message msg) { ClientInfo ci = mClients.get(msg.replyTo); switch (msg.what) { case WifiScanner.CMD_START_SINGLE_SCAN: mWifiMetrics.incrementOneshotScanCount(); int handler = msg.arg2; Bundle scanParams = (Bundle) msg.obj; if (scanParams == null) { logCallback("singleScanInvalidRequest", ci, handler, "null params"); replyFailed(msg, WifiScanner.REASON_INVALID_REQUEST, "params null"); return HANDLED; } scanParams.setDefusable(true); ScanSettings scanSettings = scanParams.getParcelable(WifiScanner.SCAN_PARAMS_SCAN_SETTINGS_KEY); WorkSource workSource = scanParams.getParcelable(WifiScanner.SCAN_PARAMS_WORK_SOURCE_KEY); if (validateScanRequest(ci, handler, scanSettings, workSource)) { logScanRequest("addSingleScanRequest", ci, handler, workSource, scanSettings, null); replySucceeded(msg); // If there is an active scan that will fulfill the scan request then // mark this request as an active scan, otherwise mark it pending. // If were not currently scanning then try to start a scan. Otherwise // this scan will be scheduled when transitioning back to IdleState // after finishing the current scan. if (getCurrentState() == mScanningState) { if (activeScanSatisfies(scanSettings)) { mActiveScans.addRequest(ci, handler, workSource, scanSettings); } else { mPendingScans.addRequest(ci, handler, workSource, scanSettings); } } else { mPendingScans.addRequest(ci, handler, workSource, scanSettings); tryToStartNewScan(); } } else { logCallback("singleScanInvalidRequest", ci, handler, "bad request"); replyFailed(msg, WifiScanner.REASON_INVALID_REQUEST, "bad request"); mWifiMetrics.incrementScanReturnEntry( WifiMetricsProto.WifiLog.SCAN_FAILURE_INVALID_CONFIGURATION, 1); } return HANDLED; case WifiScanner.CMD_STOP_SINGLE_SCAN: removeSingleScanRequest(ci, msg.arg2); return HANDLED; default: return NOT_HANDLED; } } } frameworks\opt\net\wifi\service\java\com\android\server\wifi\scanner\WificondScannerImpl.java public boolean startSingleScan(WifiNative.ScanSettings settings, WifiNative.ScanEventHandler eventHandler) { if (eventHandler == null || settings == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Invalid arguments for startSingleScan: settings=" + settings + ",eventHandler=" + eventHandler); return false; } if (mPendingSingleScanSettings != null || (mLastScanSettings != null && mLastScanSettings.singleScanActive)) { Log.w(TAG, "A single scan is already running"); return false; } synchronized (mSettingsLock) { mPendingSingleScanSettings = settings; mPendingSingleScanEventHandler = eventHandler; processPendingScans(); return true; } }


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